Unleashing your Leadership Influence

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Influence is something that just about every person wants to possess. When you have influence, you have the power to affect change, inspire people, and create opportunities. Within the context of ministry, influence is a concept that cannot be missed. When you break it down, just about every aspect of leadership and ministry has to do with influence. If your lead pastor lacked influence, they could not reach an audience. If the church as a whole lacked influence, there would be no congregation to impact.

While these roles that influence play within the church seem obvious, there is much more under the surface to unpack and utilize. Influence in the context of your leadership boils down to the impact that you have on the people you are leading. Are you leading with confidence and empowerment? Are the personal investments you are making into the lives of people creating new leaders? Do you find that the leaders you are raising up are able to grow and succeed?

As you think about the influence that you have on other people, it is important to remember why you are trying to influence them in the first place. At the surface level, it is to reach people for Christ. Beyond that, you are raising up leaders, delegating responsibilities in order to empower, and training leaders to blossom into maturity. Are you using your leadership influence in the church to your maximum potential? We want to resource you so that you can develop the skills necessary to achieve this type of influence.

In this series:

Our goal is to allow you to attain the maximum amount of influence that you have the potential to possess. Using your leadership influence in the church will allow you to empower others towards their calling as you ultimately advance the Kingdom of God.

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