Great Pastors Persevere

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Just because you are in a position of church leadership, does not mean that you are immune to the difficult components of life. If you look toward scripture, James 1:2 says it clearly, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” Notice the key word: whenever. James is representing the principle that no matter what God has called you to do, there will be ups and downs in your life and ministry. While this seems like a grim reality, the good news is that God has given you the strength to persevere. This is why our final trait of a great leader is that of perseverance.

Perseverance is key for your own personal wellness, because if you let times of difficulty corrupt your performance and your mind, you will find it hard to thrive. With that said, perseverance is equally vital to your leadership ability because it allows you to lead by example. When you persevere, it allows others to see that their problems are not too big for God to handle as well.

To this point, you are probably thinking that this is easier said than done. Maybe you are a person who chronically worries about the situations that you are facing. Perhaps you are unconfident in your ability to succeed. What should you do when the thoughts running through your head tell you that you are not going to make it or that you are not good enough?

Instead of a practically determined strategy, the most vital method that you can use to gain perseverance over your situations is spiritual. We want to help you see the power of perseverance that God can provide you with in your situations.

In this video, we will discuss nine key thoughts pertaining to perseverance. After watching this video, our goal is to ensure that you are encouraged and uplifted. Are you ready to face your struggles and progress God’s will in your life?

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