Great Pastors are Secure

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Being secure in who you are as a leader is absolutely vital as you seek to lead others. Chances are, God has given you some outstanding dreams for your ministry. Dreaming is great, but when you start to see other people who have achieved their dreams, you can begin to wonder why it is that you are still striving for yours.

Take another hypothetical situation for example. Perhaps you are questioning whether or not your leadership capacity will ever reach the level that you want it to be at. You find yourself constantly asking yourself if you will ever be enough, or if you will ever amount to the purpose that God has placed inside of you.

The reality is, if God has placed a calling for ministry on your heart, He has gifted you and graced you for his plan. The pace that you are working at, the level of competency that you have in a certain field, and the amount of respect you have from other people are all irrelevant in God’s eyes. The problem is, some leaders miss the calling that God has for their life by immediately disqualifying themselves when things get difficult.

Getting to a place of security in your leadership will take some time, but there are some practical and spiritual strategies that you can use in order to make it a reality. Are you ready to quit doubting yourself when it comes to your ministry? Do you want to step boldly into the plan that God has for your life?

In this video, we will unpack what it means to be secure in your leadership of others. We will also stress the importance of security when it comes to your leadership. Utilize the six steps outlined in this video to spark a confidence in your ability to fulfill God’s purpose for your ministry.

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