Balancing Ministry with Your Personal Life

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Have you ever felt as if your personal life was constantly clashing with your ministry? Do you find it difficult to find time to be as productive as possible with your ministry, while maintaining a healthy relationship with your family? If so, you are among the many church leaders who struggling with balancing their personal lives and their ministry. If this is you, you are not alone!

We live in a world where different sections of life tend to pull us in different directions until we start to stretch and occasionally snap. The responsibilities that go along with being a parent or a family member do not always align perfectly with the demands of your role in ministry. With this in mind, how can you find a balance in which you still give enough attention to each aspect of your life?

Balancing ministry with your personal life is a task that is done with practical, spiritual, and organizational strategies. The level at which you are able to balance your personal life with your ministry depends on these strategies. The good news is that you are in complete control of this balance! Our goal is to teach you how to utilize these strategies so that balancing ministry with your personal life is attainable for you.

It is often though that either your personal life should come before your ministry role or vice versa, but in reality, each aspect of your life can be meshed together, enhancing all of it. In this series, we will use nine great videos to dive into the ins and outs of balancing ministry with your personal life.

In this series:

We include step-by-step guides and practical advice as you attempt to achieve this balance. You do not have to let one aspect of your life falter to improve the rest. It is time to find a healthy balance between your ministry and your personal life!

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