Where the Pastor’s Spiritual Side Intersects with Their Human Side

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Pastors often look towards situations and wonder whether to look at them from a spiritual or cognitive perspective. The answer is, both! In fact, we contend that your cognitive thinking goes hand in hand with your spiritual discipline. Wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, and that wisdom should be used within your leadership. The pastor’s human thinking and spiritual thinking are not mutually exclusive, but how can you utilize both properly?

Think about the day-to-day upkeep and maintenance of your church. Every task, goal, and opportunity comes with logistics as well as spiritual decision-making and discernment. For example, think about your most recent weekend service. You will find that the cognitive works side-by-side with the spiritual. For instance, the sermon is a central, spiritual piece of the service. This takes prayer and spiritual wisdom to execute well. Practically and cognitively speaking, your microphones, seating arrangement, sound booth and more have to be arranged effectively as well. You see, the cognitive and spiritual go hand-in-hand.

So where is the balance between the two? First off, it is a mistake to think that there is a correct amount of either one of them. Instead, every effort within the church should value both the pastor’s human thinking and spiritual thinking. With this in mind, how can you create an environment that values both efficiently? What is the significance of practical, cognitive thinking when it is linked with spiritual wisdom? How can the pastor personally develop their cognitive and spiritual leadership to work together?

In this video:

Our goal is to allow you to thrive in your leadership by listening to the Holy Spirit and thinking practically. Think about it this way: who are we to develop strategy without the guidance of our God? This video contains six reasons to be strategic and pray.

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