Church Board Tips for Lead Pastors

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One of the best examples of leadership is found in Exodus as Jethro is giving Moses practical advice. Jethro told Moses to make sure that he surrounded himself with leaders that would ultimately serve two major purposes. The first was to advance the kingdom of God and the second was to assist Moses in his efforts to lead the people of Israel. This story serves as a practical example of how we should view leadership in the church setting today. So, what does this have to do with Church Boards? Additionally, how can you implement these tactics into your pastoral leadership?

It is imperative that you have a group of leaders that you are constantly pouring into. At the same time, they need to be assisting you and keeping you accountable in your leadership. As a result, this is why we feel that it is important for you to understand these church board tips for lead pastors and implement them.

Church boards can make or break your ministry depending on how you lead them. If your church board is unhealthy, this can result in a group who clash with the mission of your church. However, a healthy church board can open new doors and take your leadership to new horizons. Additionally, leading an effective church board will present a multitude of specific advantages such as: navigating change, handling conflict, stimulating and maintain enthusiasm, and improving accountability.

Perhaps you are in a situation in which you believe in the value of an effective church board, but you are struggling to bring your board to a place of maturity and stability. If you are in this position, you will find this series equally as beneficial as we unpack how to deal with problems you may face with your board. To support this, we will cover topics such as: navigating a change-resistant board, mitigating a controlling board, and establishing unity within a board. So, these topics will be addressed as we reveal a multitude of church board tips for lead pastors.

In this series:

We want to equip you with the knowledge you need to create and maintain a church board that will lift you up as you lift up others. Though challenging at times, we believe that leading an effective church board can bring your church to new heights.

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