People need relaxation, relationship and time to breathe. In the business and stress of life, rest is one of the most important things we can prioritize. Leaders must consistently prioritize the health of other leaders, instead of running them into the ground. Along with this, encouragement and validation go hand-in-hand with rest. As a pastor and a church leader, it is imperative that you are giving the millennials in your church adequate encouragement and rest. Here, we will uncover how to do just that.
Perhaps you have been in a situation where your job or your responsibilities have gotten the best of your time. Or maybe it wasn’t time that was the problem, but it was your mental and emotional health that took a hit from the amount of work you were doing. Furthermore, maybe you know you could have done a better job on something. During those types of situations, it is always important to give yourself fresh air and reevaluate what you can do better in the future or what needs to change.
When it comes to the millennials in your church, they are going to need some fresh air. For most millennials, they have not been leading for a long time. With this reality, comes the realization that these new leaders may become easily overwhelmed. As a pastor, how can you effectively give your millennials fresh air? What does fresh air look like in the context of your church? What conversations do you need to have in order to ensure that your millennials feel encouraged?
In this video:
We are unpacking the concept of fresh air and how it pertains to millennials in ministry. We will talk about what this looks like for your church and how millennials can be empowered through it. Your millennials need fresh air, here is how to give it to them.
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