Leading a Multi-Generational Church

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Multi-generational leadership can be a task that seems frightening at first. Leaders who belong to older generations can become easily intimidated by younger ones. Likewise, young leaders can become overwhelmed when attempting to meet the needs of older congregation members. While this may be the case, multi-generational leadership is essential to the health of your church. This is not something that you, as a pastor or church leader, can afford to let slip through the cracks. Here, we are discovering what it takes to lead a healthy, multi-generational church.

Our first goal for this series is to instill a value in pastors and church leaders for multi-generational ministry. We firmly believe that a pastor or church leader should understand the “why” behind everything that they do. With that said, as you go through this series, we will unpack the purpose and the benefits that come with prioritizing multi-generational leadership. You will begin to understand practical reasons that multi-generational leadership is key. Additionally, you will discover the biblical significance of prioritizing each and every generation represented within your church.

Next, we want to take you through some of the most important church leadership concepts from a multi-generational lens. This is why we have included both practical and spiritual advice pertaining to systems and best-practices on this subject. Multi-generational leadership has strong ties to effective change, building culture, and being intentional with generational gaps. Each of these imperative church leadership topics will be covered from a multi-generational perspective throughout this series.

Do you want to level up your multi-generational leadership? Are you tired of constantly trying to bridge generational gaps to no avail? Regardless of where you are at with your intentional, multi-generational leadership, this series is for you.

In this series:

We are unpacking both the spiritual and practical side of multi-generational church leadership. Follow these practical tips for a thriving church that is suitable and fruitful for every generation.

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