How To Develop Core Values In Ministry

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If you have been in ministry for any length of time, you have heard the term: core values. Perhaps this topic has come up as you began to contemplate the mission and focus of your church. Maybe the topic core values was a central part of the leadership conference you most recently attended. Regardless, as a pastor, core values in ministry will prove to be inherently important for the effectiveness of your church.

Before diving into the various nuances surrounding core values, it is imperative to understand why core values are important. Have you ever seen a non-profit organization without a centralized mission? Have you ever seen charity with no real sense of direction as to who they are attempting to help out? How about a sports team that does not value winning or a family business that does not care about profit? Odds are, you have rarely, if ever, come across any of these things. You see, the core values of an entity contribute to their DNA and help them become who they are. Core values are the key to leading an organization with a sense of direction. This is especially true for churches.

So, you understand that core values are important for your church’s success, but where do they come from? How can you hear from God regarding your church’s core values? What are the core values that are essential to your church? How do you go about creating those core values?

In this series:

We look at how to communicate what direction God reveals to a leader. We discover how to create core values in ministry that are imperative to advancing the vision of an organization. These sessions are filled with practical tips and creative ideas to start applying immediately.

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