Critics in Ministry

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Every good ministry leader understands the importance of criticism. Think about what you have been able to accomplish within your life time. Think on the things you are proud of. Did any of these accomplishments stem from no leadership or training? The answer is most likely no. You see, leadership and criticism go hand-in-hand when used correctly. This series exists to show you the difference between constructive and clueless criticism in ministry.

On the receiving end of criticism, things can be a bit tricky. Emotions can run high, opinions can complicate things, and bitterness can sprout. What we need to realize is that criticism can and should be used effectively in ministry. The key is to understand when criticism directed at you is helpful, and when it is not. Obviously, we cannot just take the opinion of every single person and call it true! So where is the line between constructive and clueless? How can we distinguish good criticism from bad? These are the questions we aim to answer for you.

The other major aspect concerning criticism in ministry is when you, the pastor, are the critic. Again, as a pastor, there are constructive ways to criticize as well as detrimental ways. It is inherent that you will find people or systems within your church that could improve. In this scenario, criticism is necessary. The problem is that so many leaders struggle to hand out criticism in a way the inspires rather than degrades. We want to help you as you attempt to be effective in pastoral criticism.

In this series:

Our goal is to help you understand the difference between constructive and clueless criticism so that you can change accordingly. We also include several thoughts on how and when to deliver criticism effectively as a pastor.

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