Credibility in Ministry

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As a leader, especially within the context of ministry, credibility is key. When your congregation, your team, and your volunteers do not see you as a credible leader, the ministry struggles. For some people in the church, you are the only spiritual guidance they receive during the week. If you are not a credible person, it reflects poorly on the church, and more importantly, the content you are teaching. As church leaders, we are called to live a life that will establish ourselves as credible, so that God can be glorified. Here, we are talking about how to remain credible in ministry.

Credibility can be something that seems difficult to achieve. The reality is, there will always be some people that see you as someone you are not. While this is true, the vast majority of people in your church will find you credible when you establish yourself as credible. Establishing credibility for yourself does not happen overnight, instead, it is a process that involves intentionality. In what areas should you be intentional in order to establish credibility?

In order to establish credibility for yourself as a leader in ministry, there are several areas within your life and ministry that you will have to analyze. You will have to ask yourself questions about your character and your habits. You will have to make an intentional effort to improve in areas you are weak in. The good news is that there are practical steps that you can take to do so.

In this series:

We begin to discuss the importance of credibility in ministry by defining what credibility looks like. Additionally, we will walk through five different areas in which the way you conduct yourself will determine your level of credibility. We encourage you to take a look at each of these videos and determine how you can improve your level of credibility within your ministry.

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