The 5 Levels of Conflict - Leaders.Church

The 5 Levels of Conflict

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: The Pastor and Conflict

Various processes, systems, and tendencies have levels of degree in our world. Conflict is a process that progressively gets worse as it goes unresolved. As a leader, it is imperative that you understand how to resolve conflict as soon as possible to avoid escalation. In this video, we want to discuss the various levels of conflict in ministry, and how to respond to each.

As we discuss these levels of conflict that can arise in ministry, it is important to know how they work, and what causes them. Take rotten fruit for example. Hypothetically speaking, you walk into your kitchen and open the fridge to find an apple that has turned brown. We all know what causes fruit to go bad: leaving it past the expiration date! Since we understand what makes fruit spoil, we can prevent it from happening. On the other hand, when fruit does spoil, we know how to dispose of it properly.

What does this have to do with conflict? Everything! Being able to identify the cause of conflict can allow you to alleviate it before it escalates. Perhaps you have engaged in an argument with someone in which you found yourself in a heated argument regarding something completely different than the original conflict. This can happen to the best of us. None of us are perfect! With that said, why does this happen? How can we prevent conflict from getting out of hand? What are the different levels of conflict in ministry, and how can we recognize them as they occur?

In this video:

We want to teach you how to identify various levels of conflict in ministry so that you can alleviate them quickly. Nobody enjoys conflict. We understand that conflict in ministry can be a rough thing to deal with. Utilize this video to understand the five different levels of conflict. Along with this, use the insight we provide on how they work so that you can recognize how to respond.

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