How to Train Others in Ministry to Act Like Owners

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: Thinking and Acting Like the Church is Your Personal Business

Now that we have studied the strength gained from thinking and acting like an owner, it is time to consider bringing other leaders in your church on board with this mindset. The more leaders that you have that are willing to follow your example, the stronger your church will be and the faster you will accomplish what God has placed on your heart. How will your church be stronger? Think about the possibility of multiplying this impact: The leader/owner accepts personal responsibility for outcomes, gets things done, hungers for growth, takes extra initiative, and overcomes obstacles with creative ideas.

Staff members are not likely to adopt an ownership mindset on their own. They must see the benefit, feel the passion, and accept the challenge. The degree to which they buy in depends on your ability as the lead pastor to challenge staff members and cast the vision. This video will help you do it. Prayerfully consider when you should act on the decision to teach the leader-as-owner concept. Remember that you cannot lead someone to a place where you have never been. Thinking and acting like an owner does not include giving someone the independence to lead a department or ministry wildly off track. Are you ready for more leaders to take ownership? This video will guide you.

In the video, we present five important considerations when training others to act and think like owners. If you watch and adopt these ideas, you will experience a new growth of efficiency and more ministry participation. It helps people fully take ownership of tasks and responsibilities. Remember that the speed of change is not slowing down. And our society is perpetually changing, creating new and different needs for ministry and support. Your church will adapt when more leaders are thinking like owners.

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