How to Elevate Your Leadership for Bigger Impact

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: Overcoming Leadership Barriers in your Ministry

This final video in the series on overcoming leadership barriers is crucial to the growth of your church. We’ve already discussed how the importance of changing your organizational structure to fit the situation that your church is in. In this video, we will focus on your mindset as you seek to grow.

Thinking in terms of where your church is at right now, and understanding that you should always have a growth mindset, how are you preparing yourself for success in the future? If you have set bold goals for your church, you are on the right track, but are you thinking about how you are going to manage them once you achieve them?

Understanding the systematic approaches that you can implement in your church as you grow will prevent you from being in a place of stagnation in terms of your leadership. The systems and methods that we will address in this video will allow you to raise up new leaders and create a culture of improvement as you move into the future.

The impact that you can make when you utilize the ideas in this video is endless. God placed you in a position of ministry and a position of leadership for a reason. We do not serve a God who has left you out to dry! Chances are, you have been in a situation over the course of your ministry where you feel like you do not have the answers as to what to do next. If you are in that position right now, you can take confidence in the fact that God wants to provide in your ministry!

In this video, we will analyze some key practices that you can do to elevate your leadership for bigger impact. You will be provided with four key thoughts that will enlighten you as to how God can impact your ministry, how to utilize what God gives you, and how to grow effectively and efficiently.

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