How a Pastor’s Growth Determines a Church’s Growth

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Great accomplishments in the church are glorious and energizing. They result in miracles that happen when our efforts lead people to the only One that can accomplish miraculous things. Why would we ever want to see them stop? The correlation between the pastor and the church is vital. After all, a pastor’s growth determines a church’s growth!

Sadly, sometimes a successful pastor will hit a wall. What has always worked in the past, doesn’t seem to be successful anymore. Great accomplishments are fewer and farther between. The successful way of doing church had seen life-changing growth and continuous ministry achievement, but the church is now content with the status-quo. Many barriers had been overcome, and a winning culture had been built and shaped, but now many things seem stale and in potential decline.

What could have happened to this great pastor? He or she may need some serious encouragement. Colossians 1:10 might be a great prayer for this pastor: so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. At closer inspection, we might see a loss of focus or passion, someone no longer searching for new ideas, reading new material, or sharing best practices with and between other pastors. The Lord doesn’t want this pastor to stop growing and great accomplishment to be a thing of the past. A reset of focus with an intentional plan of action is what we are talking about in this session.

In this video:

We are discussing the benefits and implications of accomplishment, how it happens, and how to respond when growth and accomplishment are waning. In this third video, we share four helpful ideas to help a leader continue to grow, meet the needs that have been identified and continue to see great accomplishments in their ministry. A pastor’s growth determines a church’s growth. The way you foster your opportunity as a pastor is key!

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