How to Lead the Church in Prayer

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Prayer is the foundation upon which the church thrives off of. Regardless of the amount of leadership seminars, marketing classes, or books on business practices that you dive into, prayer is the catalyst of great leadership. Why is this? Prayer is the only way to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When we understand the purpose behind why we are doing ministry, we realize that our goal is to push people towards Christ, not self-help lectures. If this is true, it should translate into the way we lead. Since the church reflects the values of Jesus Christ, so should our leadership. This is why you must understand how to lead the church in prayer.

As you lead, are you continually fueling yourself with the things of God? Are you making sure that your spirit is in a healthy state in which God can speak through you? One of the biggest mistakes that church leaders occasionally make is trying to lead aside from a relationship with Christ. In this series, we will discuss the importance of prayer as it pertains to your personal life and ministry towards others.

On the other side of prayer leadership are the people you are ministering to and leading. Once you understand the importance of leading yourself with prayer, it is time to lead others with prayer. The fact is, you have a great responsibility that God has given you to share the gospel. The way that you lead should be inspiring others to pray and trust God with all things, including their leadership.

In this series:

We will dive into the specifics regarding how to lead the church in prayer. Let prayer shape your leadership and your ministry! You may be in a position today where you realize that you are not totally sure how to lead with prayer. If this is you, we would love for you to check out this series on prayer leadership.

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