Why a Pastor Leads Prayer

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In the previous videos, we unpacked what prayer leadership should look like in a church and how a leader’s personal prayer commitment impacts the vitality of prayer leadership. After covering the who and what, now it is time to ask, “Why should we lead a prayer initiative?” Prayer leadership is how we lead others to have a dependency on God through prayer. Do you want God to move in a more powerful way? A unified call to prayer in a church is a petition to invite Him to move. Building a church culture that makes prayer a chief priority requires an intentional effort in prayer leadership.

When your personal prayer commitment is seen as an inherent component of who you are as a leader, and people see the fruit of your labor in prayer, your church will be influenced in the same direction. We believe in calling the church together for regular group times of prayer. Our advice is to be in prayer, asking God how and when He would have you initiate this corporate call to prayer. When you hear from God, you will be on your way to a supernatural move of God in your church or area of ministry. God will also show you why He is calling you to be the leader of corporate prayer and why group prayer is so beneficial. Biblically, we see that it unifies believers and is appropriately modeled by the church in the book of Acts. Remember, that each member that follows along with you is prayer becomes a more powerful disciple in the Kingdom of God.

In this third video on prayer leadership, we present five important considerations when answering the question “Why Pray?” When you prayerfully contemplate the concepts revealed here, and follow God’s leading, prayer will soon become part of the DNA of your church or area of ministry.

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