The Mission of the Church and Its Volunteers - Leaders.Church

The Mission of the Church and Its Volunteers

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: How to Increase Participation from Your Volunteers

The appearance of your volunteer team should be one of stability. There will be less turnover, and the expansive level of experienced volunteers will allow people to be more effectively served. Volunteers must experience joy when serving. In fact, we want them to be excited, energetic, and exhibiting joy in their volunteer service in your church. Volunteer service should be compatible with your steadily communicated culture of service and also consistent with the stated mission of the church. We want to teach you how to integrate your mission with serving in church.

Mission provides direction for a church’s future and keeps everyone – pastors, staff, and volunteers, on the same page and in agreement regarding purpose. Furthermore, mission targets central ideas in which everyone should focus time, effort, and energy. The volunteer onboarding process should include an indoctrination of mission and core values. Without buy-ins, the concept of core values and mission are useless, which is why they should be communicated repeatedly. Remember, volunteers do not have a paycheck tied to their commitment. But studies show that people volunteer for altruistic reasons because they want to help volunteers have a choice to engage or disengage with any commitment to service.

Mission and core values must be effectively communicated. Moreover, the lack of communication of values can manifest itself in indifference to newcomers, low levels of teamwork, the emergence of unofficial communication channels (gossip), and even in volunteers feeling disengaged. People want to align with Godly core values and follow guidelines that help them accomplish meaningful things. Proverbs 29:18 states: Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint, but happy are those who keep the law.

In this video:

We share eight critical steps to your volunteers serving on mission. Watch this video, take notes with the included notes page, and you will see an increase in the effectiveness and commitment of volunteers in your church. These eight steps will assist you in how to integrate your mission with serving in church.

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