The Leadership Streaming Service to Help You Grow the Church
Level-up your leadership. Grow your ministry skills. Reach more people than you ever dreamed possible. Here is the leadership streaming service. Read Video Transcript: Hey, Dick Hardy here, Co-Founder of Leaders.Church. I have a very special announcement today about some massive changes we’re making here at Leaders.Church, and how this is going to be a…

How Church Will Change Because of COVID-19
Across the country, churches are starting to open up for services again. With this reality, there are all kinds of different tactics and strategies for doing so. Despite this, we are far from the way things were before the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The pandemic has left an impact on our daily lives, including how we…

Why Invest in Your Kids Ministry?
Hey pastor, church board. It’s great to be with you for a few minutes. Thinking about investing in your kids ministry? Let me start with a sports analogy. 🙂 You know back in 1960 the NFL Championship game was between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Green Bay Packers. And the Eagles whopped the Packers. Those…

Bringing Kids Back to Church after COVID-19
In raising kids, one thing is for sure. You’re always playing the long game. And that is particularly true as Christ-following parents chart the spiritual course for their children to love and honor God. So, with this reality, how do we fit this into bringing kids back to church after COVID-19? We have just walked…

Will Churches Go Back to Normal Post-Covid-19?
The Post-Covid-19 Church The world has just gone through, and is still in the midst of dealing with, the biggest pandemic our current generations have ever known. Much reference has been made of the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918. Now, we have our own version in 2020. So, what will the church look like post-Covid-19?…

4 Steps to Live and Thrive During Uncertainty in Ministry
is something that plagues the human mind and heart almost constantly. I don’t think I have ever met someone who did not feel uncertain of something. Right now, more than ever, our world is full of uncertainty. COVD-19 is a silent and sly adversary who has shut down the world. Pastors are not immune to…

How Pastors Can Find Peace in the Midst of Chaos
A lot of people would agree our current world is a little chaotic. Even without COVID-19, our world was full of chaos. From war to job loss, from sickness to death, there is chaos all around us. We have all found ourselves lacking, looking, or feeling peace at different times. Peace comes into chaos like…

A Case Study for Reopening Churches
At the time of this posting, pastors everywhere are looking at reopening churches following COVID-19. They’ve spent the last two months doing everything possible to keep the Body connected. And from the contacts I’ve had, these pastors have done an amazing job. Now, it’s time to get back to meeting in person. The Church has…

The 8-Step Plan to Reopen the Church
Having a plan to reopen the church is something pastors need to develop now, if they haven’t already done so. If you’ve struggled to respond, even with the practical tips for churches during COVID-19, you’re not alone. All churches have entered a new, temporary realm of ministry that no one expected. In fact, here’s a…

Easter Ideas for Churches During COVID-19
With Easter Sunday right around the corner, pastors putting their heads together to create the best experience for their congregations. Extra weight is added to the equation when considering the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak, causing churches to go digital. This begs the question: what should your church do for Easter during COVID-19? First off,…

3 Ways a Kids Pastor Should Speak to Children
Thinking about how to speak to children in Kids Ministry brings a famous quote to mind. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothing at all.” -Thumper from Disney’s Bambi. My mouth got me into A LOT of trouble growing up. I would often speak without thinking. I’d fly off the handle with my…

13 Practical Tips for Churches During COVID-19
This video interview with Dick & Jonathan Hardy addresses 13 practical tips for churches during COVID-19 and the primary areas of concern for churches during this outbreak. I want to just kind of set the stage with a little bit of what we’re going to be covering today relative to COVID-19. So, a lot of the things that we…

How to Set Up Church Meetings with Zoom
In a world where team meetings are a vital aspect of every organization, ensuring that you get the most out of your church team meetings is crucial. Church meetings with zoom is becoming more and more common. In the church world, multi-site ministry, outsourcing for resources, and issues that may arise outside of work hours,…

How to Post a Church Service Video on YouTube
Using videos to promote an event or share encouragement with a church congregation has become a huge part of ministry. Perhaps you would like to share your sermons so that people can view them after you preach on Sunday. As pastors, YouTube is a great platform for churches to utilize if they want to share…

How to Post a Church Service Video on Vimeo
Vimeo is a service that has proven to be quite effective when it comes to church video and church media. This platform allows you to upload your church videos on a safe and simple platform so that you can share them with the public. In this video, you will learn how to upload and post…

How to Post a Church Service Video on Facebook
The world of social media has collided with church ministry and the connection between the two is only getting stronger. Churches are utilizing social media for all types of things. With that said, Facebook is one of the leading social media platforms in use. One of the best ways for you, as a pastor, to…

How to Trim the Church Budget Without Losing
Knowing how to properly trim the church budget is a necessity for all pastors. There comes a time in the life of virtually every church that the income expectations in any given year fall short of projections. And when that happens, it’s time to start looking at trimming the church budget. Not a fun project,…

How to Do Kids & Youth Ministry During COVID-19
These can be trying times for church leaders as they try to figure out how to do kids & youth ministry during COVID-19. But with keeping the proper perspective and making the most out of every opportunity, we can continue to minister to congregations and families represented in the church. With social distancing, keeping connected…

How to Know When to Cancel Church Due to Coronavirus
How to know when to cancel church due to Coronavirus… What to do about it and how should the Church respond? After talking to a couple of pastor friends of mine in Dallas and Denver, I thought some words of encouragement might be in order for pastors. Fear Not “Do not be afraid!” is the…

5 Tips to Recruit Kids Ministry Leaders
You are a world changing Kids Ministry leader! God is using you in HUGE ways to help kids love Jesus more and love God’s House! So, your mindset when recruiting Kids Ministry leaders should be to recruit the DREAM TEAM of all Dream Teams! It’s a huge job and that’s why you need a great…