How the Pastor’s Attitude Impacts Others

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As we discuss the pastor’s attitude in ministry, have you ever reacted so negatively towards a situation that it caused you to step back and think, “wow, that is not the type of person I want to be?” Or perhaps you have walked into a room feeling perfectly optimistic about life until someone stopped you in your tracks and asked if you were alright.

The impact that your attitude, or your perceived attitude, has on the people around you plays a huge role in your leadership. The pastor’s attitude in ministry can create a serious advantage or cripple your success.

Church is a place that broken people can come to experience Jesus, possibly for the very first time. As a leader, it is your job to maintain an environment that is conducive to that. Think back to the last time you experienced poor service at a restaurant. There is a great chance that this bad experience was caused by the poor attitude of a waiter or waitress. When we put this into perspective, we realize that the church serves a much greater purpose than serving chicken wings. We understand that it is more important to take care of the people who walk through the church doors.

Pastoral care and leadership starts with a good attitude. If you come to church or attempt to minister to people while having a negative attitude, not only will your heart be in a bad place, but you will be perceived poorly. Being a leader means leading by example and improving your attitude in ministry is the first step.

In this series:

Our goal is to equip you with some key principles pertaining to improving your attitude in ministry. We will walk you through how to do this. We want to show you the impact it will have on your success as a church leader.

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