Measuring Success in Ministry

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It is entirely true that your church is not an organization that thrives on secular economic and business practices. With this said, measuring success in ministry becomes necessary to achieve effectiveness. When you think about it, the purpose of the church is to advance the gospel. It is our job to create an environment in which this is possible.

At the roots, it is as simple as making sure that what you do works well. This is why we feel that it is important to discuss the ins and outs of measuring success in ministry.

While you may understand the importance of monitoring success in your ministry, it can be an intimidating task. After all, when something does not work, it can be very difficult to pinpoint the cause. As you seek to improve your church and your ministry, how can you identify what needs to be changed? What analytics are important for you to keep track of? How do you go about keeping track of them? It is our goal to answer these difficult questions throughout this series as you engage in understanding your success in ministry.

We understand that your goal is to improve in every way that you can as a leader. Not only will we discuss the importance of monitoring success in ministry, but we will provide you with tips and tricks about how to do this. We want you to be resourced with exactly what you need to lead confidently through your triumphs and your failures, because either way, God has a purpose for your ministry.

In this series:

We will deliver some key principles regarding measurement of success in ministry. We will dive deep into the specifics of metrics, debriefing, and numbers in order to give you a better understanding of measuring success in ministry. Take the advice in this series and lead with confidence, knowing that improvement is highly achievable.

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