Courageous Leadership of Church

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Courageous leadership is a vital component to effective church leadership. The reality is, there are a multitude of difficult situations that can arise as you lead the church. Specifically, people can become out of line, there can be disagreements, and necessary corrections can appear. These are, in fact, difficult situations, but the courageous leader understands how to manage them properly. The purpose of this series is to promote and unpack the value of leading a church with courage.

Chances are, the reason you are in a position of ministry has a lot to do with courage. Ministry carries a large amount of weight behind it as you think about the people who are counting on you. Stepping into ministry is a bold, sometimes frightening move. The good news is that if God has called you to ministry, he will equip you for it. Beyond that, it is our job to steward what God has given us well. This means trusting that God has every circumstance in his eyes by leading courageously.

In this series, we look at the importance of courageous leadership. Furthermore, we dive into the ins and outs of implementing courageous leadership into your DNA. How can you become a courageous leader? What does courageous leadership look like? What are the practical and spiritual applications for courageous leadership within the church?

We believe that your leadership is important. In fact, you are stewarding resources that God has provided for you to advance the kingdom of God! With that said, our goal is to take every step necessary to develop you into a Godly and effective leader.

In this series:

We unpack the value of courageous leadership within the church. Leading a church with courage holds a significance that is unparalleled. People look up to you. It is time to lead courageously!

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