Building and Shaping Church Culture

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Culture is another churchy term that can often be neglected. However, we contend that the culture within your church is highly imperative. The culture defines who you are as a church. Culture represents what your church stands for, reflects its values, and describes the overall mission. Culture is that sense or individualistic feeling you perceive as you experience the church. This series exists to show you how to build church culture.

Perhaps you have been to a restaurant or store claiming to be the new trendy thing. This business contended that they were the next trend because they possessed a unique type of culture. This culture may have included characteristics such as funky flavors or crazy technology that have been engrained within the business. Similarly, the church culture needs to have characteristics engrained within it that uphold the values and mission of the church.

When it comes to the vision of your church, how are you ensuring that it honors God? What measures are you taking to guarantee that the culture is attractive? How can you monitor the culture of your church? More specifically, what characteristics should your church culture consist of? These are the types of questions that we want to cover as we unpack how to build church culture.

Regardless of your situation, whether you feel confident with your church culture or not, this series is for you. Each and every pastor can benefit from the ideas presented as we look at the specifics of church culture.

In this series:

We provide you with four helpful videos regarding how to build church culture. The reality is, the culture is what you make it. We want to help you as you create a God-honoring church culture that allows for maximum growth.

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