Initiative in Ministry

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: Building and Shaping Church Culture

The ideologies, principles and values of an organization form its culture. Organizational culture is a powerful force and so foundational that it affects all aspects of leadership and desired outcomes. A leader must first develop trust before attempting to build a new culture or reshape an inherited one. The five-stage process of building and shaping organizational culture is a prescription for leading change and a roadmap for transitioning from tension to resolution, and then to desired results.

Developing a team which intuitively takes initiative is the third skill set which assists in that very important transition. Team members that take initiative are shown to be of great value and an asset to the healthy culture of an organization. Many leaders can complain about having problems but finding leaders that can take the initiative and actually solve problems can be difficult, or ironically, even problematic. In this final video, Church Multiplication Network’s Chris Railey states that initiative is principle to gaining or losing respect and influence as a leader. Imagine trying to be effective in ministry after you have lost respect from your team and now wield little to no influence over those whom God has given you to lead. Initiative effectively narrows or closes the gap between problems and solutions, but also displays a faith in God which others respect and hope to emulate. Chris also declares that apostolic leaders who know how to trust God and get things done are almost always problem solvers.

Healthy organizational cultures not only identify problems but encourage team members to take initiative and present ways to rectify those problems. Dynamic leaders build and shape dynamic cultures. Watch this video and be inspired to become a leader who is trusted to lead positive change, communicate effectively, and help others take initiative to solve problems. When you do, you will learn how to build and shape a church culture which is ultimately unshakeable and productive.

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