How a Pastor Communicates Outside the Pulpit

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Have you ever been in the middle of a meaningful conversation, perhaps about an important event that happened in your life? Furthermore, have you ever noticed that, after giving all of the details very clearly, the person you were talking to was still confused? This can be a very frustrating experience, especially when you are passionate about the topic. This occurrence can be even more frustrating when it happens in the context of leadership. During your leadership, you have probably had an experience in which your directions were not followed. Understanding how how a pastor communicates outside the pulpit is a critical part of your leadership.

A common misconception regarding leadership communication is that communication is strictly about the words you say. Communication is a broad concept that ranges far beyond the realm of our words. Our goal is to resource you so that you are comfortable as you communicate to people in ministry.

Not only do we want you to feel comfortable with communicating across different platforms and to different groups of people, but we want your influence to grow as a result. Confident and effective communication skills lead to growth, effective systems, and competence. You may understand what you wish to accomplish through your leadership, but if you are not able to communicate it, then you will not experience accomplishment.

In this series:

Our goal is to help you maximize your communication skills within the realm of your church leadership. If you have ever wondered how to communicate as a church leader in a way that brings life and effectiveness to your ministry, this is the series for you. God has placed you in a position of ministry for a divine purpose. Along with this purpose comes vision, direction, and guidance. We want to help you as you learn how a pastor communicates outside the pulpit.

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