You Don’t Have to Have the Best to be the Best

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: Leading a Portable Church

As a pastor, it is easy to look at other churches with an abundance of resources and wish that you had the same. Perhaps you look down the street at the church with no debt and a nice building and compare it to what you have. The reality is, as surely as God has called you to lead a church, He will also provide you with what you need. Is an expensive building nice to have? Yes. Is it necessary for effective ministry? Absolutely not. You don’t have to have the best to be the best! Here, we are unpacking how a portable church can be just as effective as a church with exceptional resources.

The first thing that we seek to accomplish in this series is to teach you why a portable church works and what its advantages are. In this video specifically, we are diving deep into this concept. You see, the same practical principles apply to a portable church as they do to a non-portable church. What are these practical principles? How can you maximize your portable church setting? This video will assist you in pinpointing how to do so within your context

Additionally, leading a portable church is a biblical principle. This is not to say that large churches with many resources are operating outside of biblical standards. We believe that God gives the right resources to the people He has called. While this is true, there is an exceptional amount of biblical foundation for the portable church. What is this biblical basis for operating out of a portable setting? Furthermore, how can you be effective within this biblically based model?

In this video:

We are unpacking the purpose behind a church operating out of a portable setting. At the end of this video, you will be able to see the value in portables churches and possess a basic understanding of why they work so well.

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