The Details Matter - Leaders.Church

The Details Matter

More Video Series | Currently Viewing: Leading a Portable Church

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and immediately decided that your experience was not going to be positive based on the way it looked? Or perhaps you have stepped into a hotel room, only to find yourself disgusted by the condition it was left in. In both scenarios, you most likely would not choose to go back again. Just as that happens in certain contexts, it can happen in your church as well. Therefore, we are adamant about that fact that the details matter. What does this mean for your portable church setting? Here, we are taking a look at why the details matter for your church.

As Christ-followers and church leaders we understand that faithful stewardship needs to be one of our core values. God has called you to lead the church faithfully, which means that the resources He trusts you with must be used honorably. As you lead your church, thinking in terms of what you do have, rather than what you don’t is key. How can you lead with intentionality in this area? Our goal is to teach you in this video.

While this may sound like a tough endeavor, the reality is being intentional with the details is very practical. The systems that you can put in place in order to ensure that you are faithfully stewarding your church space are vital. What are those systems? What do they look like for the context of your church? Who should be carrying them out? In this video, these questions will be answered and more.

In this video:

You will learn the importance of paying attention to details within the context of your portable church. Portable church ministry is a great way to do ministry, but only if you have this concept nailed down. Utilize these practical tips in order to level up your leadership of your portable church.

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