What is Empowerment in Ministry?

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With all of the responsibilities that you have as a church leader, there is a strong temptation to hand the mindless grunt work to others, without resourcing them properly, and disguise it as empowerment. It is important to realize that this is not what empowerment is supposed to accomplish. The goal of empowering other leaders is to give the resources that they need to complete responsibilities so that they can grow in their leadership while relieving you of some of your load. There is nothing wrong with delegating your tasks such as stacking chairs, cleaning the floors, or taking out the trash, in fact it is encouraged, but you have to make sure that you are providing the resources and instruction that is necessary for whoever you are empowering to succeed and grow in their leadership. In this video you will learn how to effectively empower others with the proper resources they need to succeed.

Giving permission to someone is not the same thing as empowering them to do something. When you empower a leader, you are trusting them with resources that are necessary for their success and preparing them before they start. This differs from permissions because permission does not require that you instruct someone at all. In this video, you will learn the dangers of giving someone permission instead of empowerment.

Effective empowerment is not just vital to the growth of the person you are empowering, it is crucial for the success of your leadership. The impact you can make on yourself and your church is endless when you empower other leaders. Understanding how to effectively empower people will improve your leadership ability and assist you in fulfilling your vision.

In this video, you will learn what empowerment is, and what it is not, in the form of three key observations. You will also learn the importance of providing proper resources and instruction as you empower others.

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