Steps to Replace Yourself in Ministry

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Church leaders who are forward thinking will not procrastinate in thinking about the future. The future is coming fast, and it should be on your radar right now. One of the most impactful ways to prepare for the future is to be raising up new leaders, people who will be ministering in the perpetually shifting culture of the future. This video forces us to contemplate what the future will look like for leaders in our church and for lead pastors, as well. This will allow you to learn the importance of  knowing how to effectively replace yourself in ministry.

We can already see that it will be a future which requires a shifting church methodology, one which meets the ministry needs of people who have been hardened by the teaching of moral and spiritual relativism. These will be people who want to be unconditionally loved, but who have been conditioned to be skeptical of absolute truths, such as the ones we teach from the Bible. Our theology and core values will not change. The truth is that someone will inevitably replace you at some point. This is a good thing! Replacement allows for a church environment that will be open to the Holy Spirit’s ability to cut through the confusion. This will enhance your ability to change people who have been wounded in ways that may seem hopeless at first.

If you are a lead pastor, it is also time to consider your future in the light of a rapidly changing landscape. Your life calling to pastor a church may be deeply engrained and enduring. But who are we to limit the where and when of God’s plan for us? The heartfelt mission that you have carried as your own, not to mention the massive sweat equity that you have invested in the church, will surely cause you to be deeply concerned about your church even past the days of your leadership there. You must be willing to replace yourself in ministry.

In this video:

We present five steps to follow in thinking about and planning for your future replacement. You can be confident of God’s plan for you. The future of your church is also on His heart. You and your church need a Spirit-led proposition to replace you well before you see that transition being fulfilled. Embrace your position by being open to replace yourself in ministry.

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