Rethink Easter: From Big Event to Big Impact
What does it mean to rethink Easter?
Ever wonder where all those guests from Easter went the Sunday after Easter? I’ve been at this for years and it is a perennial challenge for churches everywhere.
This blog, alongside Top 8 Steps to Prepare Your Church for Easter, will help you answer this question.
The leadership of the church pours themselves into making Easter the over-the-top day it deserves. Volunteers have their game faces on. Everybody is geared up and ready to go.
In the hours and days after Easter we are all pumped. Look what God did! Amazing!
Then the next Sunday comes. Where did all those guests go? I’m serious. The auditorium feels so empty compared to last week.
Ever wonder what to say when you contact guests after they’ve visited the church? Download the free “Done-For-You Follow-Up Scripts” PDF and you’ll have plug ‘n play messages to communicate through text, email, and phone.

What can you do to get those guests back week after week after week?
What would it be like if your church could go from Big Event to Big Impact, that it no longer is about the Easter “number” but the Easter “long-term impact?”
We all know that at the end of the day it’s not about getting a big crowd, although we do love the crowd.
It’s about having a big impact, the kind the Lord wants you to have in beginning to move guests into a full understanding of what He has for their lives. It’s called discipleship!
We strongly encourage you to put in place a systematic process to take first time guests to becoming interested in coming regularly and ultimately diving headlong into the life of the church, partnering to have further impact in your community.
You can have an exponential impact if you’ll take the time to follow up on guests in a way that is compelling for them. Use the Done-For-You Follow Up Scripts for text, email and phone messages. These are all designed to help you reach more people faster.
Rethink Easter. It’s not about getting the crowd. It’s about getting whatever crowd you get on that day to come back the next week. It can happen. If you think it through, build the system, and be ready to communicate through multiple channels, you’ll see more and more guests stick in the life of the church.
Yes, Easter really is one of the biggest events on your church’s calendar. And we LOVE the crowd that shows up that day.
But if you’ll rethink Easter…moving from big event to big impact, you’ll see that crowd stick with you for months and years to come. You will be very glad you did.
Not getting church visitors to come back? Discover the best way to increase guest retention with this proven plan. Download this free PDF: The Turn-Key Follow-Up Process for Today’s Church

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Other Easter Articles:
Top 8 Steps to Prepare Your Church for Easter
The Absolutes of the Post-Easter Guest Connection
The Perfect Follow-Up Plan After Easter
6 Steps to Get Guests Back After Easter
Other Connections & Follow-Up Articles:
Blunder #1 in Assimilating New People
How to Connect with Church Guests
The Perfect Follow-Up Plan for Church Guests
4 Action Steps for Guest Follow-Up Strategy from John 4
Thoughts About Guest Follow-Up
To Connect People in Your Church, the Path Must Be Clear
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