How to Avoid the Summer Slump for Your Church
NOTE: It may or may not be summer when you read this blog. But you get the drift. Any time of year, you could have a slump. So read this “Summer Slump” blog as an “Anytime Slump” blog and you’ll be good to go:-)!)
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This summer does not have to be what summers always have been at your church. I mean, really. Why buy into the Summer Slump, just because you have in the past?
I want to talk with you about eight steps you can take to make this summer the best on record and to set the stage for your greatest fall ever.
What are some steps you can take to make this summer different from any you have ever known?
1. Change Mindset
It is critically important that the leader set the pace in teaching the staff and volunteers to be full-on in their expectations of the summer.
2. No Coasting
It may take some work but you have to lead your team of staff and volunteers in understanding there is no coasting this year. No one will admit coasting, but you and I both know, it happens.
3. No Throw-Away Sundays
Whether it’s February, July or November … there are no throw-away Sundays. Every Sunday counts. Every Sunday should be game-on in terms of our readiness to reach and serve people.
(Would you like to use this time to grow the church? Take a look at this free Summer Boot Camp 5-part video series. When you apply the principles in this series, you’ll see your biggest fall yet.)
4. Create Expectations
The leader has to constantly cast vision to the expectations he has and can see as vision from the Lord. People need to constantly have something to look forward to; the summer is no different.
5. Engage Children, Youth and Families
There comes a time in the life of the church where the stimulant to growth comes from young families. When the church body can see children and youth being impacted for Jesus, good things happen … even in the summer!
6. Smile, Be Happy
For goodness sakes, get a smile on your face. Lead your team in SMILING! They need to see that from you. Have fun with it. Even during the days of summer … smile and be happy!
7. Tout Wins
Every time something happens in the summer that is good, tell the story. In most cases, shout it from the housetop! The people in the church do not know unless you tell them. People like to be part of a winning team … and God’s church WINS!
8. Plan the Fall
While you are reveling in what God is doing during the summer months, you need to have all energy laser-focused on September and October. This is the greatest time in the life of the church to launch something new … so prepare to launch it!
There you have it. Eight simple steps you can take to make this summer one for the record books and set your church up for the greatest fall ever. I believe that can happen. Do you?
Take this list and make it your own. Augment it with thoughts from your team. And then…
(Would you like to grow the church this summer? Take a look at this Church Marketing Boot Camp free video series. Now is the time to prepare for the people God wants to bring to your church. You’ll discover practical ways you can prepare for your biggest fall yet.)
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