Mark Batterson Book – Double Blessing
To be blessed… what exactly is that?
To be doubly blessed… can that be?
In his new book, Double Blessing, author Mark Batterson drills into the specifics of both the blessing and the double blessing.
Some think of God as the one who blesses, the one who hears our requests, responds to them, meets them and in turn, blesses us. And He certainly does that. But there is so much more to the blessing.
Double Blessing is divided into two parts; How to Get It and How to Give It.
In Part 1, “How to Get It” we learn of the double portion, the umbrella blessing, the X factor and a whole lot more. In Part 2, “How to Give It” we engage in the concepts of the law of measures, opportunity cost, the giving game, and paying it forward, just as a jump start to giving.
Above and Beyond Giving
On the inside front jacket cover of Double Blessing, Batterson states, “The endgame isn’t about getting but giving. God doesn’t bless us to raise our standard of living. He blesses us to raise our standard of giving.”
The author notes that when seeking the blessings of the Lord we actually find ourselves giving. The entire issue of blessing and double blessing ultimately drives to above-and-beyond giving. In doing so, we are in it for the long haul, the long game so-to-speak.
Frankly, while reading the book I found my spirit energized to think of giving financially and otherwise. I believe you will too.
I consider myself the most blessed man on the planet. God has been better to me than I ever imagined and certainly better than I ever deserved. I am most blessed.
But being “most blessed”… I don’t want to stop there. I want to flip it… flip the blessing to others. The book challenged me to think of ways I can give to others, the church and my community, in ways far beyond what I’ve done to this point.
How Blessed?
I am double, triple, quadruple blessed. I’ll bet you are, as well. So, with that it begs the questions for both of us, “Can we do the same and more for others?”
If you’re looking for a book to “get” the blessing, this one will show you so much more in “giving” the blessing over and over again to others.
One of the last paragraphs on the back cover say it best. “In a day and age where the idea of blessings has been reduced to a hashtag (#blessed), Batterson challenges readers to pursue true, God-glorifying blessing and experience an exponential impact by participating in the double blessing.” Oh my, that is so good!
You have to pick up the book. You will never regret having done so.
Ever Thought About Writing?
Mark really is a phenomenal writer, gifted of the Lord. Makes me wonder – have you ever thought about writing?
If you’re like me, I’ll bet life’s a little busy with a spouse, kids, church, ministry… stuff? Well, join the club. Who has time to write like Mark Batterson? Probably not even Mark Batterson has that time… like you, he’s a little busy.
So, while I had him on the interview, I thought I’d just take a chance and see if he’d speak to the issue of writing. He was game! So, we did just that.
At the 8:48 mark in the interview we took a side bar into the whole process of writing. I’ve been intrigued by what Mark has been able to do in a relative short period of time in terms of book writing. Double Blessing is his 17th book!
My guess is you’ve wondered how all these guys write like they do. I mean, can a person write AND be a pastor AND be a parent AND be a spouse?
In the interview, Mark Batterson says, “Yes!”
Has the Lord Placed a Book on Your Heart?
If you feel like the Lord has placed a book in your heart, you really do want to watch that portion of the interview I did with Batterson. This will help you begin to write… and to state the obvious, beginning is the key!
Maybe you’ve got a book for the church, for leadership. Maybe you have a book for Christians, in general. Or perhaps you’ve got a kids’ book in you. Whatever the case, to hear from an experienced author like Mark who believes in you following your calling to write is huge.
What I really enjoyed about my conversation was his expression that others had invested in him over the years and he wants to do the same thing now and in the future for others…
…others like you!
So, what’s the hold up?
Watch the video interview, move to double blessing AND put your writing game plan in place.
Mark Batterson and all of us at Leaders.Church want to cheer you on to be the blessing to the church and the Body of Christ with that which God has placed in your heart and will flow through your keyboard.
So, at the end of the interview, from me to you, here’s to the discovering how you can both get the blessing and give the blessing in Double Blessing… AND here’s to writing that first book!
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