How to Build Systems Even When You’re Not Systems-Oriented
Some reading this blog are like my son, Jonathan. The guy is more organized than an Amazon Fulfillment Center. He dots more i’s and crosses more t’s than anyone I know.
Then there are guys like me. I’m fairly organized but nowhere near Jonathan. I mean, its much easier for me to “wing it” than it is him.
To be clear, the two of us work together full-time and need each others’ strengths, including the two I’ve just noted. Both creating systems and winging it are strengths in the right setting.
However, for this post, I really want to address the person who’s a bit more like me. You can do systems, but they’re really not your strength … and they don’t energize you. But you know you need systems.
(NOTE: Want to know the proper roles and responsibilities for Church Boards? Click here)

So how does a person build systems in their church when they are not systems-oriented?
Here are some things I think can be helpful as you answer this question.
1. Recognize your propensity to do or not do systems.
If you’re like me … and I know I am … then having a systems-orientation does not come as naturally for me as it does for others. In recognizing that, then I have the ability to look myself in the mirror and articulate those things I need to do to be a “learned” systems-oriented guy.
2. Pray for God’s readjustment of your talents.
You and I have both taken enough stabs at being systems-oriented to know that on our own we’re simply not good enough or smart enough to make this happen. However, with the Lord’s guidance and specific directing, we can learn to do systems.
3. Take one small step in creating a system where you KNOW you will win.
Forward movement will start and accelerate if you go after some low-hanging fruit. Do not try to build a system of complexity only the smartest of CEOs can understand. Look for something simple where you can apply what you have learned about systems and put it in place first. Then watch it work, be encouraged, see a win, and then move on to creating the next system; one at a time.
4. Build in accountability.
To override your natural propensity to “wing it”, and replace it with a “learned” systems-orientation, communicate with two close ministry friends of your desire and intent. Ask them to contact you every two weeks for three months to check on your progress. Then don’t blow smoke when they contact you. Be real or it will be of no value.
(NOTE: Want to know the proper roles and responsibilities for Church Boards? Click here)

5. Tie Change to the Mission
If you will pay attention to the points made above, you can start the journey of organizing yourself and building systems that will help the church grow. It doesn’t come naturally to you, but you have to learn it … and start.
You would not have read this far if you were not desirous to be better organized and to have systems that will help you accomplish more to the mission of the church.
I am praying with you to be able to override the “winging it” approach to ministry and replace it with a solid capacity to reinvent yourself to be a “learned-systems” guy or gal. You can do it. God will do it.
… And when that happens you’ll be amazed at what God will do in bringing the increase and growing the church.
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