You've Unlocked A Limited-Time Opportunity!
Level-Up Your Leadership and Grow Your Ministry Skills…
… FOR JUST $1.
As a special “Thank You” for being part of the Leaders.Church family, we want to help you go to the next level. Now is the perfect time to level-up your leadership in ministry so you can get unstuck and reach more people.
If you want this opportunity, it will cost you exactly $1.
Yes, that’s right.
Just $1… Click here if you’re ready to take a look!
That’s the “bad news.”
Now For The Good News…
In exchange for this minuscule investment, we’re going to give you the greatest gift we could ever give a church leader.
It’s the #1 thing church leaders say they need… a consistent, proven strategy to help them lead better.
And you can have it…
… for just $1.
We’ll tell you why in a bit, but first, we have a question for you…
Are You Just “Winging It?”
Practicing “hope and pray” leadership?
Or do you have a clear-cut plan to grow personally AND to develop your team?
If you are “winging it,” don’t feel bad… you’re not alone. For the better part of our ministry, that’s what we did, too.
And for a while, it worked.
In the early days, “winging it” got the job done. But as we took on more responsibility, “winging it” just didn’t cut it anymore.
Here’s Why We Ask…
Because as we’ve thought about it, most people do what we did by “winging it.”
And frankly, we understand why… we’re busy! I mean, who’s not busy, right?
Leaders want to be better, but taking the time to invest in themselves AND to invest in their teams seems to be the thing that gets put off first.
Too much going on…
Too much ministry to be done…
Too many relationships to juggle…
Too many events to plan…
Too many meetings to sit through…
Things just come up!
But when this happens ministry participation and growth is stifled.
In reality, a glass can only spill what it contains. This means if you’re “winging it” and not taking the time to invest in yourself, then you’re leading on empty.
And that’s not good!
As a result, churches get stuck. Ministries get stuck. Pastors feel stuck, and they struggle to figure out why.
Well… if you’ve seen some plateaus in your ministry, many times it’s the result of your leadership growth being limited if not completely stopped.
“If I Had Time, I Wouldn’t Know Where To Begin”
That’s the challenge for so many leaders. Typically the first thing to cut when faced with a squeezed schedule is time to invest in oneself AND in one’s team.
But when you get to the point where you know you need to do it, finding a consistent plan (or strategy) for growth feels like a daunting task.
But growth can happen!
You can’t just rely on hope — hoping you’ll grow and hoping your team will just somehow grow on their own.
You need to lead the way…
And you can’t just say, “I need to do that eventually.”
You have to take action.
So We Did Something About This…
We created a members-only, online resource that collapses time for you.
In essence, we’ve taken all the years of practical, hands-on ministry experience from many ministry leaders and boiled them down into bite-size video teachings you can actually apply.
This saves countless hours by:
- Helping you avoid the pitfalls these leaders have navigated, and…
- Positioning you to proactively lead through upcoming ministry challenges, and…
- Eliminating the headaches of repeatedly coaching your team…
Because you can now grow as an individual leader AND use the materials to invest in your church leadership team.
Churches everywhere are always looking for material to use for staff and volunteer training, and frankly, there aren’t a lot of great options.
So that’s why we created the Leaders.Church Membership.
The exclusive content of this membership will give you and your team the motivation, training, and resources to lead better.
It’s a strategy plan that allows you to stop “winging it” and having to HOPE your team is growing…
“I’m growing in using the Leaders.Church resources at least 15 minutes three days a week.”
– Barry Rice, Lead Pastor
The Strategy That Works
Just think of what your ministry leadership will be like when you employ a consistent, strategic plan for growth…
And think about what your staff or volunteer leadership will be like when you’re consistently developing them with a strategic plan.
That actually CAN happen!
You’ve probably heard the saying, “A rising tide raises all ships.”
Well… implementing a strategic plan for growth will help everyone’s capacity go to the next level, AND it’ll free you up to do the things ONLY you can do.
If your team of people are leading at higher levels, then that means you can entrust them with more responsibility. And when you can entrust them with more responsibility, then you can focus on the main things like:
Vision Casting…
Ministry Direction…
Future Development.
“At Leaders.Church you’ll learn to maximize your effectiveness as a leader, and that will set the stage for growth at your church.”
– Mark Batterson, Lead Pastor
The Leadership Streaming Service to Help You Grow the Church
Now is your time to get better, break barriers, and grow the church – whether you’re new to ministry or a seasoned pastor.
Growing churches are led by growing pastors, so the #1 key to growing a church is YOU! The Leaders.Church Membership allows you to track your personal progress and measure your growth.
You’ll have instant, on-demand access to the entire library of video series (300+ videos) on topics critical to the future growth and impact of your ministry.
Watch what you can, when you can. Each video has an average length of 9 minutes.
Increase your ministry team’s leadership capacity when you add them to your account. Monitor their progress and keep them accountable.
Save time and energy looking everywhere for the tools and resources you need for ministry growth. All videos, discussion guides, transcripts and material are combined in one place to accelerate your growth.
We’ve helped 2,900+ pastors and church leaders improve their personal effectiveness and get results – and we’d love to help you, too!
92% of pastors say Leaders.Church has increased their leadership capacity.
Exclusive Offer For You
During this limited-time window, we want to give you a special invitation to experience full, unfiltered access to the entire Leaders.Church library for just $1.
Yes, that’s right!
You can hop into our Premium Membership for just $1.
However, this offer is a 24-hour window of opportunity.
If you’re not ready to start growing today, you can enroll later in the Leaders.Church Membership at the full member rate.
We May Be Crazy…
As you have probably already guessed, to have all of this stuff for just $1 is crazy.
My sincere hope is you’ll love what you see and choose to stay.
If you do, GREAT!
If not, that’s okay, too.
Just cancel before the 14 days are up, and you’ll never be charged.
But if you do love it (and I think you will), you’ll automatically be renewed in the top-tier membership for the bottom-tier member rate of just $37 a month.
A paltry sum …
… especially when compared to what it’d cost to go to a conference or bring in a speaker for training.
It’s a fraction of the cost.
So click the Add to Cart button below, and let’s get started…
By the way…
Here’s the full list of resources to help you go to the next level… all for just the $1.
If you choose to stay after the 14-day trial, you’ll automatically get the full Premium Membership at just $37/month, that’s 47% off!
Check it out…
So What Do You Think?
Ready to give it a shot?
There’s literally no risk on your end, and it’s a chance for Leaders.Church to invest in you and your team.
If you could see growth in your own leadership, and if you could raise the bar for your team of staff or volunteers, would you like to do that?
If so, the Leaders.Church Membership is for you. We look forward to seeing you on the inside!
Get The Leaders.Church Membership Now For Only $1!
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